Saturday, March 29, 2014

Typical morning.

  I roll over, open one eye and notice that there is dim light showing through the window.  Mom's awake!  Eight tiny paws do a tap dance on my chest.  Cricket thinks it's her duty to clean the sleep out of my eyes and I feel her rough tongue on my cheek.  "OK guys, I can't get up unless you move".  A quick trip to the bathroom.  Let the cat out.  Actually let the cat stand in the open doorway deciding whether he want's to go out. A gentle push with my bare foot, decision made.  I pull on my boots, something is not quite right.  I take off one boot and remove the cat food lid.  Yesterday it was a bone, the day before a spool of thread. Liza has been busy.
  The weather is dreary, it's only 7 am, off leash should be ok.  Three dogs dash out the door and immediately run to the rear of the nearby storage barn looking for feral cats.  None found so under the wire fence into the adjoining horse pasture they go.  No horses out yet thank goodness.  It amazes me that something as big as a horse will run from a six pound Poodle but I've seen it happen more than once. Cricket thinks it's her job and will totally ignores my screams to come.
   I cannot follow them into the pasture but I know where they will end up  and make the trek  towards the creek.  Liza, drop that!  She has found a pile of deer scat and is wolfing it down.  She grabs another bite and takes off again. Gable is running full speed ahead and disappears for a moment only to return wet to the ankles from the muddy creek water.   I pick up the mess Cricket just made and a few piles uncovered by the melting snow and enough already.  "Time for breakfast, everybody inside".  Dry Gable's legs with a towel and throw a cover over the bed he is about to jump on. 
  I found this great one cup coffee maker at the nearby Big Lots.  You put a mug on it, a tablespoon of coffee in the mini filter add water and two minutes later, a steaming cup is ready.  I pour in the water, add the coffee and open a can of food for the cat.  Collect the dog bowls and start preparing their food.  I notice the brown stream coming off the side of the counter and grab a mug to catch the last drips still coming from the pot.  Clean up the mess, put on another pot, and feed the dogs.
  I consider myself a morning person.  I get a lot done before most people wake up.  If I didn't have so many pets, I'd get a lot more done.  Is it worth it?  Absolutely.

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