Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Bucket list

  We all have things we want to do at some point in our life.  Somewhere around the age of 50 it becomes a little more important to actually check a few of these things off your list.  Middle aged, that in itself is a strange term.  I'm 53 and have no hope of living to be 106.  I may qualify for AARP discounts but I'm certainly not a senior citizen.   I was totally horrified the first time a McDonalds employee gave me the senior discount on my coffee.  I convinced myself that to this 16 year old kid, anyone over 30 was a senior.  It happened again at another store and this time the cashier was old.  Older than me anyway.  It might be the grey hair but I like my hair and honestly, I'm too lazy to keep up with coloring it every six weeks.  I've had to resign myself to the reality that I'm no spring chicken but I have every intention of squawking loudly as long as I can.  There is not a darned thing I could do at the age of 20 that I can't do now.  Yes, I may pay for it with pain the next day but I can still do it.
  I'm not sure where the term bucket list came from.   I know that there was a movie titled The Bucket List but I'm pretty sure that I heard the term before the movie came out.  I've always been a dreamer.  As a dog groomer I mostly worked alone which gave me lots of time to fantasize about things I'd like to do in the future.   Some of them may be a little less likely to happen now that I've reached middle age but not totally out of the question.
  I enjoy traveling.  Seeing new places and meeting new people.  I've never had any real desire to leave the North American continent but that might be because I'd have to get on an airplane to do it.  I have flown before and in an emergency I might do it again but the terror of getting on the plane would totally negate the fun of the trip.  It might not be so bad if I were flying the plane.  I don't know the pilot.   Did he get enough rest last night?  Did he just have a fight with his significant other?  I'm also afraid of heights and airplanes go very high.  Maybe being the pilot would not be such a good idea.
   The first item on my bucket list is a bicycle tour from Florida to Maine.  I've researched this trip a thousand times.  I've even gone so far as to collect all the lightweight items I'd need to carry .  Now I'd have to pull one of those neat little trailers so Cricket could come along, and Liza, she could come too.  I read about people who have done this and some of them are older than I am.  In better shape no doubt but I think I'd be in pretty good shape by the end of the trip.  Picture this... A grey haired woman 50 pounds overweight on a bicycle with a cigarette in her hand towing a trailer with two Poodles in it.  It could happen.
   Trip to Alaska.  Unless something out of my control happens, I will achieve this one.  I plan on driving and camping on the way.  All three dogs can come along.  Money is the only thing preventing me from leaving as soon as the snow melts.  A reliable vehicle that could get there in one piece is also an issue.   My current van needs a bit of work but I think if I put a few bucks into it....
   Vegas!  I love to gamble.  There is something about the noise that the slot machines make.  The smoky room.  The screams of joy you hear from across the room when somebody hits it big.  I take very little money when I go.  I'm happy playing the penny machines.  I just want to hit enough to stay alive, I don't need the jackpot.  It would be nice though.
  All 49 states.  I've traveled to more than most but there are still a lot that I have not been to.  I want to stay off the interstate and drive down the two lane roads.  Have potatoes in Idaho and cheese in Wisconsin.  My Mother and I took just such a trip to Vermont.  We saw a sign for an Alpaca farm and followed the tiny road.   It turned out to be the high point of the trip.
   Playing the part of Rose in the play Gypsy.  Not on Broadway, that is just crazy.  A community theatre would be just fine.  I wanted to play Miss Hannigan from Annie too.  I put the play on at the campground and fulfilled that one.  There are very few roles for middle aged wannabees.  There is always someone with more talent.  I can dream though.
   Workamping was a dream of mine too and one I can say I actually achieved.  Living and working in a campground is neat.  The guests are on vacation and generally happy.  I get to live in a resort area, the work is fun and I make enough to get by.  If I followed all the other workers and went south for the winter, I wouldn't have to struggle with the high cost of propane.  I'm a sucker for punishment and I love the snow and the solitude.  Maybe next year.
  Showing my own Poodle until it achieves it's championship title.  I love dog shows and both Deco and Cricket have been shown.  One day I'll have a Poodle that can get those allusive fifteen points.  I love my dogs regardless but just once I'd like to stand with the judge and photographer with the sign reading new champion.
   I make up things as I go.  A bucket list is not set in stone.  I watched people enjoying skiing and decided I needed to try that.  I took a lesson, my feet hurt and I was sore the next day but I can say I did it.  I may have a new interest tomorrow.  I'll throw myself into it wholeheartedly and if it works that's great.  If not, I can always say I tried

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